
    Guided self practice class

    Guided self practice class does not mean messing around on your mat on your own. But instead of following group instructions and copying postures from me, I will teach you a yoga sequence tailored to your specific needs and skills, step by step. You come to the class and practise your sequence independently among other students. This setup gives me the opportunity to assist you individually with verbal corrections as well as hands-on adjustments. Students of any age and physical ability are welcome.

    Classes are on weekday mornings between 7:00 and 8:30. In this time slot, you can start at any time and practise for any duration. You don’t have to start at 7:00 sharp and you don’t have to practise for two hours. Obviously, the more you practise, the better it works. It is a wonderful way to start your day!

    up to 120 min.
    8 students max.

    Benefits of guided self practice class

    Group yoga classes often lack personal attention. In contrast, in a guided self practice class, students are taught individually within a group environment. The goal is to adapt the practice to the student and not the other way around. The correct movements and breathing are learned gradually. I offer you suggestions to experiment with your body in order to experience the benefits of a posture or the deeper feelings as you explore your body. You work at you own pace and receive personal assistance when you need it while surrounded by the energy of fellow practitioners in the room. Over time, with repetition and discipline, you will refine your practice and may be offered more advanced asanas if and when appropriate. Practising in this way gives you the space to focus on yourself.

    How to start?

    Vinyasa Krama self practice is suitable for all levels, from beginners to experienced practitioners. There are several ways of starting:

    1. Attend my newcomer’s workshop. During this weekend intensive you will learn a foundational Vinyasa Krama sequence with individual adaptations.

    2. Come to led classes, memorise the sequence and start practising it from memory in self practice classes.

    3. If you have an established Ashtanga practice you are also welcome to join. Over time, I will provide you with a Vinyasa Krama sequence.

    4. Taking a couple of private classes to learn the basics is also a good option.

    Time & Frequency

    Self practice classes are provided Monday to Friday mornings between 7:00 and 8:30. In this time slot, you can start at any time and practise for any duration. You don’t have to start at 7:00 sharp and you don’t have to practise for two hours. Obviously, the more you practise, the better it works. But let’s be realistic, other work/family obligations make an almost-daily commitment difficult for most of us. Just come to practise as often as you are able. I recommend at least two times per week. It is a wonderful way to start your day!

    About adjustments

    Biomechanical principles are crucial in any physical practice. In guided self practice class you can expect to receive hands-on adjustments from me to improve your structural alignment. You should not expect to receive adjustments all the time. Please wear proper clean clothes and notify me if you don’t want me to touch you.

    If you have any questions, send me an email

    Yoga classes

    Led class

    A guided group class through a foundational Vinyasa Krama sequence.

    90 min.
    8 students max.
    Private class

    A private yoga practice tailored to your physical condition and needs.

    60 min.
    1 or 2 students


    De Leefstijlkliniek 

    Wijnbrugstraat 389
    3011 XW Rotterdam

    Close to metro Beurs and Blaak
